Tuesday, June 28, 2005

welcome to zurich natalie speaking...

ok so i know i said i'd tell you what i do on monday (when i thought i'd find out) but it looks like it may take longer then that. the people here are nice and have tried to accomodate me as much as they can and keep me busy with things i can't stuff up (hard)... but they are all so busy its proving to be a difficult task to get me trained. or more to the point, find someone with a free minute to train me.

so basically at the moment i get paid to read leaflets about the company. not too shabby. this job has a number of perks i'm not used too - which i'll go into later but i better do some "work" (pfft)

just wanted to say i've started, the 6am wake up hasn't killed me yet, the people are nice.. and i'm liking what i've seen so far.

oh... and on my first day, ali sent me flowers to my new office (so sweet) and my manager here got a chocolate cake sent in (so full of chocolately goodness) was a nice introduction. and on friday she is taking the whole claims team (about 6 people) out to lunch.

gotta go

Sunday, June 26, 2005

welcome to my intoxicated world of fun

today the old civic crowd came for lunch. boyface arrived at 12 pm (cos i said to) and had the pleasure of being present for the screaming/picking on mum portion of day. that was fun. then sarah, inga and steph arrived at like 1pm (they were also due just past 12... but are girls). we were having dads homemade pizza's for lunch but dad had forgotten to make the pizza doe and sauce (which is why the screaming/picking on mum happened) so lunch was served at 3pm instead of 1:30pm as scheduled. but thats ok since we haven't caught up in a while and spent hours chatting and drinking wine. well i drank most of the wine hence the reason i have gained entry into my intoxicated world of fun. boyface brang a bottle of red and we finished that... a customer gave me a bottle of red last night and we finished that... mum had half a bottle of red in the pantry and after everyone left i finished that... then i found another half empty bottle and i'm in the process of finishing that. woohoo... has been a good afternoon.

on a totally unrelated but funny point.. i'm standing next to my mum and said, for some reason i can't remember... "i fooked it" which is fuck without being rude cos its fook. and mum said "yeah you fucked it" and i said "did you say fuck?" and she said "yeah" and i said "but you can't say that you're my mother" and she said "yeah your mother... fucker" and i proceeded to piss myself laughing... but not litterally cos then my previous post would contain false information and i'd need pull-ups... cos *singin* i'm a big kid now!

so last night was my last night as a civic employee... i hope. and lets all congradulate A on taking my place in the civic team. she's even taking the shirt off my back!!! nah thats a joke. i'm quite happy to hand my weekend shift over to her, and for the record i offered her my shirt... cos my shirt rocks. it is the shirt of justice and truth. customers cannot argue with you when you wear that shirt cos it exudes authority. and it also contains endorphines and men will walk in the door and be overcome with the urge to hug you. as you witnessed while i was training you. but you only saw about 5% of them. the truth is they are attracted to that shirt. i have no ability when it comes to working in a video store nor do i have any charm or attractive qualities. the secrets all lie within that shirt. wear it and you shall succeed.

so the bottle i was working on has had the last drop sucked from it and i think it is time i had a shower and went to bed. considering i have a new job to go to in the morning and impress a lot of people. hmmm... men in suits.. oh yeah... and don't think i'm stoopid for being drunk before a new job. here is my theory (pulled out of my ass while speaking to A when she so thoughtfully rang and wished me luck for tomorrow). the aid of alcohol will enable me to fall asleep aka.. passout early and get a good 8 hours sleep. since i have to get up at 6:30am and i'm not used to that, falling asleep anytime before midnight would normally be impossible without the advantage of alcohol. the trick however was to only drink enough to get a deep sleep without waking up with a hangover. i think i have done that but i'll let you know tomorrow.

goodnight and thank you if you managed to stick around to this point.

p.s you can blame this post on A who encouraged me to post even though she knew i was a walking wine barrel

Friday, June 24, 2005

*singin* i'm a big kid now...

don't be scared, this post has nothing to do with bedwetting or pull-ups!

i do however, have wonderful news to share with you all. i have a GROWN UP job now! you are reading the ramblings of Zurich's new 'claims administrator - life risk'. i'll tell you what that actually means on monday when i find out. but so far i know that i get to wear cool office clothes, sit at a desk a lot, travel to Nth Sydney every day, work 9-5 and have my weekends free again.

so at 11pm on saturday night i will officially add civic to the list of things that can bite my ass! (only maybe not so harshly cos they owners have been uncharacteristically nice about me leaving and have made it clear i'll always have a job there if i want it *tear*). the last couple of days i've been saying my goodbyes to my favourite customers. collecting phone numbers and e-mail addresses and promising to 'have coffee'

- i interupt this broadcast to announce the funniest thing i overheard in a coffeeshop tonight in crows nest. one stuck up girl turns to the other stuck up girl and says (with a straight face) 'i'll call you and we'll do salad'.... "DO SALAD?" is that what you call 'doing lunch' these days?? soon it'll be "we'll have to catch up and do high protein low-carb with a shot of wheatgrass - meal suppliment shake' it was funny and sad all at the same time. -

anyway. something strange has clicked in me now. today i walked into my bedroom and after pondering the pig sty it has become thought to myself "i'll have to clean my room now, people with office jobs don't have bedrooms like this". next i'll turn around and exclaim to my co-worker that we'll have to 'do salad'... or a high protein low-carb etc etc etc shake.

Monday, June 20, 2005

notice: blog has been moved to ICU

this blog is currently on life support. the decision will have to be made whether to pull the plug or "get those things george clooney uses" (quote... who can name it?)

i'll give it another week and see how it goes. on a funny note, this exchange took place at civic video.

G = law student, very articulate and intellegent guy
N = young for her age, not so articulate

{G} that would be disconcerting
{N} in english please
{G} that would be crap!


Monday, June 13, 2005

oh the injustice..

i've recently reached the end of my contract on my mobile phone and so dad rang to find out if there was a plan i could go on with cheaper rates. well the guy at optus managed to piss my dad off SO much he was ranting and raving for ages after he hung up.

me being the loving daughter i am decided to antagonise him and stick up for optus.

[me] they are a business dad. they have to pay wages, advertising, all of that kinda stuff
[dad] natalie (mwhaha.. it was working) they make millions of dollars profit at the end of the financial year.

and it continued for a while until i got bored and pretended to be earnest when i caved and agreed that he was right after all. only he didn't believe me.

[me] what do you want me to say? anything i say now you'll just take as a sarcastic remark
[dad] i want you to admit to the injustice. i'm telling you. everyone should boycott. when i die, i'm gonna go out with a bang.
[me] oh please. when you die you'll be laying on the lounge. your only chance at a bang is if you happen to fart as you cark it.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

the aliens stole my daddy

so following the prospect of a job and interviews etc i headed to the sales to buy a nice businessy shirt and possibly a skirt. yanno... all of 2 items.

WELL... i came home with:

- one businessy shirt
- cute tan cami top suitible for day or night
- same cute cami in blue
- another v-neck tan/brown singlet top, more for night
- black wrap-around cardi
- gorgeous bootcut stretch jeans
- cute denim jacket (suit style)

after all the discounts i only spent about $130 and everything was worthwhile and sutible for work or going out... but i was still having a heart attack when i came home cos i still owe dad money.

so i walk in the door and he immediately asks me what i bought, so i went through the whole fashion parade and how many different ways i can wear one item - don't i look pretty etc. (also known as trying to justify purchases) and he utters the sweetest words i've ever heard in my life...

"you should go back and buy more"

OMG.... if that wasn't bad/good enough, he follows it up with

"and you should try find some pants that aren't jeans too"

not only do i take that as permission to buy stuff, but an order to do so. as a result, shopping spree #2 followed the following day... i bought:

- wrap-around cardi in brown
- black pants that aren't jeans
- grey pants that aren't jeans
- grey businessy pin stripe skirt
- pretty brown flowy skirt (not the one i wore friday A & L)
- cute brown alligator high heels
- black pointy toe low heels

now i had intended on taking back one of the pants that aren't jeans and just wanted another opinion but they were only $20 each and dad said i should keep both... who am i to argue?

today i've been walking around the house in my new high heels purely to break them in. dad calls it 'parading around' i still call it 'breaking them in'.

bout bloody time too

wow its been 10 days??? i should probably just hang up my blogging days and call it quits... but for now i'll just go back and submit post after post until you are all caught up.

so the other day i realised i was one of those people who whinges that she hates her life but does NOTHING about it. i've been complaining about my job and saying i need to quit/get a new one etc for ages but still working at the video store. part of this was because it was too damn hard to write a resume cos i haven't done anything the normal way.

so anyway, we're having dinner the other night and i say to Ali (bro's g/f) that 'i'm gonna start looking for another job' and she says 'yeah.. actually no! i'm not gonna believe that or talk to you about it until i actually see you in another job... cos you say it all the time'. i believe thats called a kick in the ass! she mentioned some entry level positions at her job and asked if i would like her to see if there is anything sutible for me... i did... so she did... and first thing monday she had faxed me 2 jobs to apply for and rang me every 10 minutes to make sure i was working on my resume. i believe thats called harrassment.

so i've gone and done it people! resume has been written and submitted. i've already had a call from the employer and they are very interested. i just have to pass the last part of the interview stuff and hopefully i will be a fancy office chicki in the city.

are you proud of me????????

Thursday, June 02, 2005

thats it... you're on the list!!

yesterday i posted a wonderful lil tale about my new fancy screensaver. i even included drool worthy pictures of the boys that feature in the screensaver. only the program i use for my photos, flickr, decided it didn't like my boys and screwed up my entire blog. flickr can now officially join the ever increasing list of things that can bite my ass. other things on this list include:

* Joel from the band Eskimo Joe. (he wasn't nice to me in NY)
* the crazy lesbian couple that come into the store and chuck a hissy fit every. single. time.
* people that don't indicate when they turn off a main road (GRRRRRRRR)
* all my ex-boyfriends...

you get the drift

so the only way i could fix it was to delete the post. it will return as soon as i can fix the problem... with A's help of course cos i have no idea... so... um... AAAAAAAAAAA.. yoohooooooo... AAAAAAA i need heeeeeeeeeelp