Tuesday, March 13, 2007

inter-car communication

not for the first time i've thought it would be so handy to have a screen on the top of my car (much like the cops do) that you could type messages to your fellow road users from the safety of the drivers seat (no useless arrows and RBT messages here).

you could have a list of programmed 'frequently used' messages, kinda like speed dial. Mine would be...

1. Where's my thank you wave A##HOLE?!?
2. Speed camera's do NOT mean you do 15k's under the speed limit!
3. Get the F#CK out of my way
4. Hi... can I please get in front of you *batts eye lashes* (it would obviously need moving pictures)
5. Hey you in the *insert car here* my number is 041. ... ... (and an edit function)

and of course you'd have to be able to create any message you want. along with a couple of the above, today alone i would have been able to use the following...

- creepy guy in the green ute... stop following me, i do NOT think you're cute!
^^ no joke! this guy would slow down so that he would be driving beside me, stop with 3 car lengths in front so that he could pose for me at the lights and then after i fell behind by not going through an orange light (SO not an accident) he pulled over into a side street further up until i came by and then was mouthing to me 'where are you going?'.... moving on

- you guys in the van behind me... the feathers hanging from your rearview mirror make me scared your going to scalp me and take it back to your elder, he who runs with the river, as a trophy. your freakin me out man!!!

and of course the early morning bitchy message

- hey you, 17 yr old blonde in the blue mazda that thinks she's pretty... i can see you're completely distracted by your own reflection, but if you don't start actually using that car for something like, oh i don't know... DRIVING as apposed to a device to be seen in (and possibly getting your tramp ass from pimp A to B) then i'm gonna....

and i can't actually think of a threat that would be fitting enough for her... although that probably wouldn't matter cos she would still be trying to sound the words out.

hmmm... we might have to work on a word limit for it to be effective. but still. a good idea for all you car manufacturers out there!!!

idea copyrighted by rock the kazbar

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

since you brought it up....

CONES baby... CONES!!!

my latest t.v obsessions...

1. without a doubt is Grey's Anatomy... so special it even got the correct punctuation. while watching this show i become the most insane, can't even miss the first 10 seconds, have to have the sound blasting so as not to miss a word, if your talking to me during an ad break and it comes back on i'll cut you off mid-sentence, if you dare to speak whilst it's not an ad break i'll tear your arms from your body and ram one down your throat and the other up your ass so that they interlock in the middle and can't be extracted... kinda person. in short, i'm scary.

i fell in love with Denny and would quite happily have lots of sex and babies with him. I think Izzy is unbelievably hot and would quite happily have lots of sex and adopt babies with her, hehehe. the show makes me want to move to Seattle, ride ferry boats and work in the hospital with them all. it's weird.. i know. but i'm aware of my illness.

2. i tossed up which show makes it into this spot for a second i'll admit but Prison break takes second place. it's still special, but not AS special as Grey's Anatomy so it only gets one capital letter. check me out withholding punctuation like it's sex and you've done something wrong.

i'll admit season 2 isn't as good as season 1 but i still love it and still can't miss an episode. he is so hot with all his smouldering, shaved headed-ness and tattoo's... and then he looks at you with those piercing eyes... oh yeah... that man is sex.

3. taking third place is the biggest loser. i love watching fat people cry and work out whilst surrounded by hot trainers. i'm backing Damo this season. the guy is so sweet and has such a great heart (apart from all the atherosclerosis he must have) i would date him even if he is 200 kilos. he deserves to be there till the end and take home the money in one arm and a hot chick who'll treat him well in the other. GO DAMO!!!!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

BP 100/70

beep.... beep... beep

"doctor... doctor... come quick... there's a faint heart beat"
"but nurse, how could that be? rock the kazbar has been dead for over a year"
"i don't know doctor, you're the one that did 7 yrs in medical school while i frollocked aroud campus in mini-skirts trying to snag myself a 'soon to be' rich husband but failing miserably and ended up doing nursing cos i figured i'd look cute in the outfit"
"that's an excellent point nurse... grab the paddles... charge to 300... stand clear"

well well well... here i am writing again. not too sure why. it seems my friend ms mc-p prefers to read about my life instead of listening to me talk about it. maybe it's because here she can turn me off mid-story if i'm boring her to death. fair enough i say.

as her punishment, she will be forced to sit through posts about events that she has already heard about. purely because i'm going to need something to post about and there doesn't seem to be anything overly exciting coming up soon... cept my brother's getting married... and i might be moving to new york... and i'm invited to a boozehag shindig... ok so it doesn't sound too bad.

perhaps i'll see you again.