Saturday, August 06, 2005

the date that did... cept that he doesn't

so it happened, tuesday rolled around and my phone beeped. i picked it up all ready to reschedule (or not) again. imagine my surprise when the message read 'so i'll see you at 7'. i even wrote back saying 'i honestly thought that message was going to say you were attacked by killer gnomes - see you at 7'. when he wrote back saying 'not this week', instead of 'huh? what? gnomes? what do u mean by that?' i knew we'd get along.

so its 7pm, i'm sitting in a nice restaurant but have informed the waiter it will most likely just be coffee and all the staff immediately hated me. and Cam turns up. he even had a hair cut, and looked nice and pretty. in a masculine kinda way.

so we start chatting and OH MY GOD!!! and God is the operative word. This boy is more religious than Ned Flanders from the simpsons. I had an idea that he was christian but i had NO idea how far it went. for example:
- he goes to bible readings on monday night
- he door knocks
- he hands out pamphlets at a train station on a saturday night (karaoke doesn't seem so bad now... and Bernard, i love karaoke but its not exactly the 'cool' thing to do on a saturday night.. and we were in Parramatta, i doubt i'd run into you there. but we should do a duet sometime)
- he goes to church morning AND night on a sunday (and i thought on the 7th day he rested)
- he doesn't listen to any music other than gospel and hymms and stuff, even the christian rock bands are a no no cos the heavy beats etc take the focus away from the message.
- according to his parish he shouldn't be renting movies but he is s rebel and still does. only he tells his pastor he still goes to the video store.
- he uses phrases like 'i thank god i was saved'... 'my walk with the lord'... 'i can't wait to go to heaven'
- he doesn't drink
- he isn't interested in traveling anywhere anymore. he wants to concentrate on his 'journey with the lord'
- he's head usher at church
- and i didn't ask, but i'm willing to be there's no sex before marraige! and i'm a little skeptical there'd even be some after marraige.

that said...
- i was utterly fascinated by his faith. normally i can't take that kinda thing.
- he doesn't shove it down your throat, he actually came out and said 'don't think i'm here to try and save you, thats not what i came for. i want to get to know you.' he said it a few times actually
- we talked for 2 and a half hours till they kicked us out of the restaurant... litterally. not the polite slide the bill on the table so you get the hint. it was 'sorry guys, you have to leave... now'
- he insisted on paying
- he watches big brother.. which is the cutest thing cos everyone at his parish is disgusted with it and freaked when he asked them if they watch it. he was so excited to talk about it to someone (see, he is a rebel)
- he's 'been there done that', it wasn't till a few years ago that he went back to the church. he used to go to raves and travel and all that stuff.
- apparently a few years ago he gave me a christian leaflet thing at the video store and he reckons i didn't talk to him for like 2 years afterwards. he thought i hated him. i had completely forgotten but i remember it now. and i don't remember not talking to him, i remember saying its a damn shame cos he is so cute and stopped flirting with him cos it was a lost cause. (actually my friend sarah remembers it that way as well)
- he is still incredibly cute.

but all in all. i couldn't date him. we are too different and i wouldn't be able to handle it in big doses and he'd probably end up trying to save me. although i could pretty much guarantee he wouldn't take drugs and run off with my money. or get some other woman pregnant. or have a wife and kids sitting at home. tempting... but still no.

i would be his friend. he is such a nice guy and we got along well. and maybe i can corrupt him. (kidding!)

***** to the religious people who read this post... if you got this far, no i am not going to hell. i believe in God, i went to a Catholic primary school and i can still say the 'Hail Mary' and 'Our Father' off the top of my head. I have nothing against people with the level of faith Cam has. a couple of my friends are - granted not quite on his level but are getting there. it's just not me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reading your blog and I figured you'd be interested in advancing your life a bit, call us at 1-206-339-5106. No tests, books or exams, easiest way to get a Bachelors, Masters, MBA, Doctorate or Ph.D in almost any field.

Totally confidential, open 24 hours a day.

Hope to hear from you soon!

1:31 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bernard from Wang Wong World says, Karaoke on Saturday nights is COOL if you come out to the TAV I am there this Saturday night running it come and say Hi....

12:52 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eeeeek!! Looks like you've been spammed Nat!!

3:56 pm  

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