Friday, March 25, 2005

and they just pull me back in!

wwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell. it's started!!!

i did what i said i was going to do. i stabbed myself in the eye with a fork, shot myself in the foot, bit the bullet, swallowed my pride and went back to civic video. 'sure thing' she says when i ask if there are any available shifts, 'but not for about a week'. ok no problem! i'll spend this week catching up with people i never got to see because i spent my life in that store before i left the country. AND - most importantly, i'll get to meet L & B properly when we all have dinner with A. so its all set, friday night we're having dinner at L & B's.

thursday afternoon i'm talking to A who says she had been into civic video and was told i was most likely starting the next day (when i'm meant to be having dinner). 'not bloody likely!!!' we both laugh, especially since the boss said 'not for a week' and hadn't bothered to ring me to ASK if i was free the next night. but thats ok, because she can just ring at 7pm thursday night and guilt trip me into it. i was fine! i was taking a stand! and thats when she said it "you'd be doing it for Kate, (had a bad experience at work the previous night and i don't blame her for wanting a day off) and as a personal favour to me" ie. just like im doing you a favour and giving you a job. bugger!!!

thankfully L, B & A were very understanding and kind (it may have helped that a cheesecake was already waiting in the wings for them) we had lunch instead and B's cooking was definitely worth the wait! (they've been dangling it in front of me for months). the enjoyable morning was the ONLY way i survived my first day back at work.

to begin with, they don't have a uniform for me anymore or my name tag. so i felt like a dag in my 'stunt uniform'. then they put me on with a girl who's been there for 2 weeks, on a public holiday, on a friday night, for an 8 hour shift, while the computers are still crashing regularly. ah huh... welcome back! the customers where divided into 4 distinct groups. those who didn't give a rats that i was back, those who were excited to see me back and would walk in screaming 'your back... how was it' causing everyone to look at me. those who were insulted they didn't know i was back and would stand there screaming 'when did you get in? you didn't tell me??' causing everyone to look at me. now ordinarily i don't mind attention, damn sometimes i just down right love it. but when you feel like a dag and your brain is still on vacation and your body is wondering what happened to all that sweet alcohol that made it feel so relaxed... attention is not what your after! the fourth group are those who either don't remember me or are new. they were the people i grew to love tonight.

oh, and somehow i got roped into working easter sunday! as i said... it starts.


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